A: Although we appreciate you taking time to send us your idea, please know that any ideas submitted to us become the property of Bar-S Foods and we cannot compensate you nor return your idea to you. You can send in ideas by going to Contact Us and filling out an ‘Other’ form. To submit recipe ideas, please go to the Recipes page and fill out the submission form at the bottom of the page.
FAQ Category: About Bar-S
Q: How did you get my name?
A: Bar-S Foods collects names when consumers complete any of our consumer forms. If you wish to have your name removed from our e-mailing list, click on “unsubscribe”.
Q: How can I unsubscribe from Bar-S Foods mailing lists?
A: If you wish to have your name removed from our mailing list, click on “unsubscribe.”
Q: How do I apply for a job at Bar-S Foods?
A: Please visit the Careers page on our site.
Q: Where can I get an annual report?
A: Bar-S Foods is a private company and therefore, we do not publish an annual report for public viewership. However, please visit About Us for interesting facts and information about the company.
Q: How much protein is in a hot dog?
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