bar-s buffalo dog

  • Total Time: 00:10
  • Total Servings: 4 servings Servings
  • Cost Per Serving: $0.57 per serving

    *Cost of ingredients may vary by location and seasonality


  • 4 Bar-S Classic Bun Length Franks
  • 1/4 cup Buffalo wing hot sauce
  • 4 split hot dog buns
  • 2 tablespoons ranch or blue cheese dressing
  • 1/4 cup finely chopped celery


  1. In medium nonstick skillet, heat franks over medium heat 5–6 minutes or until brown. Reduce heat to low. Stir in buffalo wing sauce, coating franks in sauce; remove from heat.
  2. Place franks in buns. Divide ranch dressing and celery evenly over franks.


  • 4 Bar-S Classic Bun Length Franks
  • 1/4 cup Buffalo wing hot sauce
  • 4 split hot dog buns
  • 2 tablespoons ranch or blue cheese dressing
  • 1/4 cup finely chopped celery