bar-s twisted tornado dogs

  • Total Time: 00:25
  • Total Servings: 8 servings Servings
  • Cost Per Serving: $0.67 per serving

    *Cost of ingredients may vary by location and seasonality


  • 1 package Bar-S Classic Franks
  • 1 cup pancake mix
  • 1/3 cup water
  • 2/3 cup vegetable oil
  • 8 wooden skewers


  1. Pour vegetable oil into a large skillet and bring to medium heat.
  2. Insert a skewer into each hot dog.
  3. Starting at the bottom, make an incision in each hot dog and twist upwards to create a spiraled cut along the entire length of the hot dog.
  4. Create a gap between each layer by gentling pulling the hot dog down the skewer.
  5. Mix water and pancake mix until you achieve a dough-like consistency. Add additional pancake mixture if need to make dough workable.
  6. Section dough into eight even balls and roll into long strips.
  7. Wrap a dough strip around each hotdog, tucking the dough into the open slits.
  8. Place hot dogs in heated oil. Rotate every 30 seconds until evenly browned (approximately 2-3 minutes).
  9. Remove and serve immediately.


  • 1 package Bar-S Classic Franks
  • 1 cup pancake mix
  • 1/3 cup water
  • 2/3 cup vegetable oil
  • 8 wooden skewers