bar-s fried bologna sandwich

  • Total Time: 00:15
  • Total Servings: 1 serving Servings
  • Cost Per Serving: $0.50 per serving

    *Cost of ingredients may vary by location and seasonality


  • 2 slices bread
  • Spray oil
  • 2 slices of Bar-S Bologna
  • 1 slice cheese
  • Ketchup, barbecue sauce, or mustard (optional)


  1. Spray frying pan generously with oil.
  2. Set frying pan on medium-high heat and allow oil to heat up.
  3. Place Bar-S bologna in the frying pan and brown both sides.
  4. Assemble sandwich with your choice of sauce.
  5. Spray frying pan again with oil and brown both sides of bread until cheese is melted.


  • 2 slices bread
  • Spray oil
  • 2 slices of Bar-S Bologna
  • 1 slice cheese
  • Ketchup, barbecue sauce, or mustard (optional)